
六角纳米叶 - Hexaleaf

Hexagonal Nanoleaf - Hexaleaf

2023-03-26 20:46:56


有一个无法下载所有文件的错误。我手动添加了一个包含所有文件的 .zip 文件!




步骤 2:打印

所有棋子之间只需 对号入座.为了确保它们能完全吻合,我建议打印两张 连接器测试件. They should twist perfectly into each other. 如果您 are using CURA, you can adjust the tolerances with the property "Horizontal Expansion" that can be found under "Walls".

I printed my pieces with a 0,4 mm nozzle at 0,2 mm layer height without any brim or raft. Every piece took about 6 hours to print 和 weighs about 50 g.

马克 every piece to not lose track of already printed pieces 和 its position.

我把所有 扩散板纸张但您也可以使用随附的扩散器文件来 打印出来.

步骤 3:组装

I 焊接的 every LED Strip to some wire with pin 连接器 so I can finish all soldering before assembly.

为了将 LED 灯条安装到位,我建议 形变 the strips every 3 / 6 LEDs (f或 IP65 Strips I recommend cutting away the insulation at the bends) 和 then slotting them into position without using their adhesive tape.

连接 all the Hexaleaf pieces 和 route 额外功率 电缆。

我把六叶插花用胶水粘在一块 硬纸板 和 made some holes in the 硬纸板 to hang it on the wall. It should be fine without the 硬纸板, but you also eliminate some light bleed on the wall.

步骤 4:编程

我用 a ESP8266 (WEMOS D1 Mini)来控制 LED 灯。
使用 WLED 项目 您可以使用简单的控制界面,其中包括 众多预设 和 a very well documented help guide.
这样就可以用一个 应用程序网站 越过 无线网络. 使用 start-up guide you can program the ESP8266 with a browser-based interface https://install.wled.me/ 和 do everything else using the 应用程序.


The 应用程序 allows you to create 客群 将六叶形中的所有 LED 组合在一起,以便为每个 LED 单独着色。


六角纳米叶 - Hexaleaf